elawler24 8 hours ago | next |

But all of the example stories are far deeper than “wrappers”. They do have a moat, and use OpenAI (or x model) as a commodity like AWS or Google Cloud. They’re mixing models with their proprietary data and leveraging techniques that are hard to copy (either due to cost, time, or traditional network effects).

If you’re bootstrapping a company to make personal money - buy ads and be a wrapper. If you want VCs, companies, and consumers to buy in long-term - you still need depth. Even in the world of AI, that comes from owning data + network effects, not just an AI interface.

vouaobrasil 9 hours ago | prev | next |

> The important question is whether what is built provides a benefit, i.e., some gain in a prospective customer’s life.

"The important question is whether it can goad people into playing yet another game of the prisoner's dilemma to introduce even more technology into their lives with relatively little actual benefit"

There, fixed that for you.

talldayo 9 hours ago | prev |

"So what if it is a thin wrapper on GoDaddy?"

- Writ on the gravestone of approx. 500,000 dotcom-era businesses